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Why This Psychedelics Company is Focused on Weight Management

Psychedelics are transforming so many aspects of our everyday lives — from treating mental health conditions to weight management and obesity. Companies like NeonMind Biosciences ( CSE:NEON , OTCQB:NMDBD , Forum ) are at the forefront of this innovation ...

Valeo Pharma bringing to market drug undergoing clinical trials to improve survival of COVID-19

Valeo Pharma Inc. (CSE: VPH) is a fast-growing revenue generating specialty pharmaceutical company with a strong product portfolio and a robust product pipeline. Valeo Pharma Inc. (CSE: VPH) is a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical company focused on in-lice...

Valeo Pharma Big Pharma Capabilities Presents Opportunity

Valeo Pharma Inc. is a Canadian specialty pharmaceutical company with big pharma capabilities while retaining small company flexibilities. Valeo is a fast-growing revenue generating company with a strong product portfolio and a robust product pipeline. Valeo Pharma In...

Don’t Miss These Rare Fundamental and Technical Developments for Gold

It’s not that often that we see such a strong confluence of two rarely occurring phenomena. The deeper you go in exploring them, the more sense they make. You see, it’s the strength of complementarity in action. Never to miss a paradigm-changing...

What Ballooning Corporate Debt Means for Investors

Few people know the risks in today’s economy and marketplace as much as David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist at Canadian wealth management firm Gluskin Sheff & Associates. For years he’s educated investors with his popular “Break...

Profitable Moves in Oil's Volatile Trading

So it happened – oil reversed lower and we were right there. While yesterday’s downswing has been partially retraced, and oil is trading close to unchanged today, there’re still plenty of valuable clues as to the upcoming price action. Let&Close...

Gold as a Strategic Asset - in 2019 and Beyond

Recently, the World Gold Council published a 2019 edition of a report on gold as a strategic asset . The industry organization released later the UK edition as well. Plenty of food for thought. How can the learnings from these publications strengthen our investment decisi...

Gold, the Shining Star Among Commodities

Gold is the most effective commodity investment, yet it is under-invested, the WGC reports. What makes it special and deserving of our focus? And how to translate that focus into an appropriate allocation within one’s portfolio? Gold is Unique Commodity. Or…...

Metals’ Reversals, Lower Prices and Our Precious Profits

Gold, silver, and mining stocks reversed practically exactly at their double triangle reversal point and the short positions that we opened along with taking profits off the table from the previous long positions, became profitable almost instantly. There’s q...

NEL, Nikola, Tesla - is the world facing a new billion-dollar scandal?

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) is a renowned organization focusing on research, economic policy advice and analysis. It sees itself as the research institute for globalisation issues in Germany. The institute cooperates worldwide with universities, research ins...
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